A new category of surgery, enabled by the da Vinci ® Surgical System, is being used by an increasing number of surgeons worldwide for prostatectomy and other urologic procedures.
This minimally invasive approach, in which your surgeon utilizes the latest in computer and robotic technologies, is ideal for delicate urologic surgery. This includes prostatectomy — removal of the prostate gland to treat cancer — in which the target site is not only tightly confined but also surrounded by nerves affecting urinary control and sexual function. Using da Vinci , your surgeon has a better tool to spare surrounding nerves, which may enhance both your recovery experience and clinical outcomes.
A cystectomy is the removal of all or part of the bladder and possibly the removal of nearby lymph nodes and organs that may contain cancer. If the bladder is removed, the surgeon creates a new way for urine to leave the body. In some cases, a urinary diversion is performed to create a new way for the body to store and pass urine.Partial Nephrectomy
If your doctor recommends surgery for a kidney disease such as kidney cancer, you may be a candidate for a minimally invasive, kidney-sparing surgery. Depending on your disease state and tumor location, you may not have to lose your entire kidney to surgery. A surgical technique called partial nephrectomy removes only the diseased part of your kidney while sparing the healthy, functioning kidney tissue. Sparing kidney tissue is important because studies show that patients who have their entire kidney removed are more likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) after surgery than patients who received a kidney-sparing partial nephrectomy.
This surgery removes the blockage in the urinary system. During surgery, your doctor will reattach the healthy part of the kidney to the healthy part of the ureter - the narrow tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.